
Bibliographic Entries Country/Region Key Terms

R. Modi. "Sardar Sarovar Oustees: Coping with Displacement." Economic and Political Weekly 39, no. 11 (2004): 1123-1126.

colonial legacy

R. N. Sharma. "Involuntary Displacement: A Few Encounters." Economic and Political Weekly 38, no. 9 (2003): 907-912.

colonial legacy

R. R. Iyer. "Towards a Just Displacement and Rehabilitation Policy." Economic and Political Weekly 42, no. 30 (2007): 3103-3107.

colonial legacy

R. Vasudevan. "Accumulation by Dispossession in India." Economic and Political Weekly 43, no. 11 (2008): 41-43.

India, South Asia colonial legacy

Rachel E. Kranton and Anand V. Swamy. "The Hazards of Piecemeal Reform: British civil courts and the credit market in colonial India." Journal of Development Economics 58 (1999): 1–24.

India, South Asia colonial India, economic growth and colonial India, colonial legacy, British colonial legacy

Rachel Jean-Baptiste. "The Option of the Judicial Path: Disputes over Marriage, Divorce, and Extra-Marital Sex in Colonial Courts in Libreville, Gabon (1939-1959)." Cahiers d'études africaines 187-188 (2007): 643-670.

Gabon, Africa customary law, judicial system, colonial courts, colonial legacy of judicial system, women's rights, sexual rights

Rachel Jewkes, Yandisa Sikweyiya, Robert Morrell, and Kristin Dunkle. Understanding Men's Health and Use of Violence: Interface of rape and HIV in South Africa. Pretoria, ZA: Gender and Health Research, 2009.

South Africa, Africa prevalence of rape perpetration, physical intimate partner violence, HIV, human rights violations, gender-based violence

Rachel K. Belton. “Competing Definitions of the Rule of Law: Implications for Practitioners.” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series, No. 55 (2005). Web. Available online at les/CP55.Belton.FINAL.pdf

rule of law, rule of law definitions, law-bound government, equality, law and order, human rights, predictable and efficient rulings, rule of law reform

Rachel Neild. “From National Security to Citizen Security: Civil Society and the Evolution of Public Order Debates.” International Center for human rights and Democratic Development (1999). Web. Available online at

Latin America national security, citizen security, public security, common crime, public fear of crime, social disorder, crime and violence, police abuse of power

Rafael Di Tella, Sebastian Galiani, and Ernesto Schargrodsky. "The Formation of Beliefs: Evidence from the allocation of land titles to squatters." Quarterly Journal of Economics 122, no. 1 (2007): 209-241.

squatter settlements, property rights, land titling

Rakeb Messele. Enforcement of human rights in Ethiopia. Action Professionals’ Association for the People (APAP), 2002.

Ethiopia, Africa international bill of human rights, Ethiopian Bill of Rights, civil and political rights, implementing the bill of rights at the court level

Ramesh Thakur and Peter Malcontent, eds. From Sovereign Impunity to International Accountability: The search for justice in a world of states. Tokyo, JP: United Nations University Press, 2004.

role of law, accountability, human rights, international human rights, historical perspective and international crime accountability, human rights violations, humanitarian law, gender-related crimes, global governance, democracy

Randall Peerenboom. “What Have We Learned About Law and Development? Describing, Predicting, and Assessing Legal Reforms in China.” Michigan Journal of International Law 27 (2006): 823-871.

China, East Asia rule of law, legal reform, the new law and development movement, horizontal and vertical metaphors for legal reform, evaluating/assessing legal reform

Raphael R. Murphy. “Proceedings in a Magistrate's Court Under the Laws of New York.” Fordham Law Review 24, no. 1 (1955): 53-70.

New York, United States, North America historical judicial systems, English law, English/European legal legacy, role of the courts, role of the police

Raquel Z. Y. Fajardo, Kong Rady, and Phan Sin. Pathways to Justice: Access to Justice with a focus on poor, women, and indigenous peoples. Phonm Penh, KH: Ministry of Justice, 2005.

democratic institutions, good governance, accountability of justice institutions, access to justice, demand for justice, supply of justice, supply and demand of justice services

Ratbek Dzhumashev. “Corruption and Regulatory Burden.” Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Paper 2081. Monash University, 2008.

corruption, regulatory burden

Ravina Aggarwal and Mona Bhan. ““Disarming Violence”: Development, democracy, and security on the borders of India.” The Journal of Asian Studies 68, no. 2 (2009): 519–542.

South Asia, India military role in conflict situations, military role in peacebuilding/good governance, human security, civilian-sensitive military

Reagan R. Demas. “All Hands on Deck: Collaborative Global Strategies in the Battle Against Corruption and human trafficking in Africa.” University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 6, no. 1 (2008): 204-220.

Africa anti-corruption efforts, corruption, bribery, human rights, human trafficking, law enforcement reform, rule of law

Rebecca Samervel. “Prosecution and Cops Need to Work as Team.” The Times of India, February 29, 2012 . Web. Available online at

India, South Asia need for criminal justice reform, prosecution training, law enforcement training, access to justice

Rediff Business. Surat, Fastest Growing City in India. 2008. Web. Available online at

India, South Asia economic growth, urban development

Reuters. “Latin American Poverty Rate Ebbs to Lowest in 3 decades—UN.” November 27, 2012. Available online at

Latin America economic growth, poverty reduction, poverty and extreme poverty

Reyes C. Cuadrado. “Corruption: A corporate perspective.” University of Navarra, Working paper no.11/05, 2005.

corruption, role of business in corruption, corporate corruption

Reyko Huang. Securing the Rule of Law: Assessing international strategies for post-conflict criminal justice. New York: International Peace Academy, 2005.

rule of law, criminal justice reform, comprehensive criminal justice reform

Rhea Ruth V. Rosell. “40% Cebu City households are poor—DSWD.” Cebu Daily News, October 6, 2011. Available online at

Philippines, Southeast Asia poverty statistics, poverty reduction

Rhiman A. Rotz. "Law and Non-Development: The Dutch "Liberal Policy" for Indonesia, c. 1860-1901." Third World Legal Studies (1986): 95-142.

Indonesia, Southeast Asia Dutch colonial legacy, colonial policy legacy, development, liberal policy

Richard A. Leo. “Police Scholarship for the Future: Resisting the Pull of the Policy Audience.” Law and Society, vol. 30 (1996): Web. Available online at

police and policing, restructuring police systems, law enforcement reform, crime control and prevention

Richard C. Blake. “The World Bank’s Draft Comprehensive Development Framework and the Micro-Paradigm of Law and Development.” Yale human rights and Development Law Journal 3 (2000): 159-189.

international development, micro-development, Comprehensive Development Framework, CDF

Richard E. Messick. "Judicial Reform and Economic Development: A survey of the issues." The World Bank Research Observer 14, no. 1 (1999): 117-136.

judicial reform, economic performance, country-specific reform, independent judiciary, dispute resolution mechanisms, professionalizing the legal workforce, law and development movement

Richard Zacks. Island of Vice: Theodore Roosevelt’s Quest to Clean Up Sin-Loving New York. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books (2012). Print.

United States, North America corruption and anti-corruption efforts, police corruption, police reform

Rimawan Pradiptyo. "Do Corruptions Play?" Seminar Kagama Canberra, University Gadja Mada, Indonesia, February 15, 2011.

Indonesia, Asia corruption, Deterrence Theory, criminal justice system, judicial system

Rita Abrahamsen and Michael C. Williams . “Privatising Africa’s Everyday Security.” Open Security, (July 1, 2010). Web. Available online at

South Africa, Africa privatized security, public and private security, globalization of security, consequences of privatized security

Rita Cruise O'Brien. "Some Problems in the Consolidation of National Independence in Africa: The Case of the French Expatriates in Senegal." African Affairs 73, no. 290 (1974): 85-94.

Senegal, Africa colonial legacy, interaction between Senegalese and French expatriates, neo-colonial dependency

Rizal Sukma and Edy Prasetyono. "Security Sector Reform in Indonesia: The military and the police." A study report prepared for the Conflict Research Unit of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations. Clingendael, NL: Netherlands Institute of International Relations, 2002.

Indonesia, Southeast Asia security sector reform, police and policing, military, military reform, police reform, role of civil society

Rob Reich. "A Failure of Philanthropy: American charity shortchanges the poor, and public policy is partly to blame." Stanford Social Innovation Review 3, no. 4 (2005): 24-33.

equality and social policy, equality and public policy, philanthropy and the poor

Robert A. Bush. "Modern Roles for Customary Justice: Integration of civil procedure in African courts" Stanford Law Review 26, no. 5 (1974): 1123-1159.

Africa, Tanganyika, Northern Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal customary law, customary procedures, modern law, modern procedures, judicial pluralism, colonial legal/judicial legacy, British judicial model, French judicial model

Robert B. Seidman. "Why Do People Obey the Law? The Case of Corruption in Developing Countries." British Journal of Law and Society 5, no. 1 (1978): 45-68.

corruption, obeying the law, rule of law, incentives to obeying the law, deviance

Robert M. Solow. “Survival of the Richest.” The New York Review of Books 54, no. 18 (2007).

material standard of living, subsistence, Malthusian trap, Malthus-Recardo model, industrialization, economic theory

Robert Mandel. "The Privatization of Security." Armed Forces and Society 28, no. 1 (2001): 129-151.

privatization of security, security privatization, paramilitary

Robert R. Strang. "'More Adversarial, but Not Completely Adversarial': Reformasi of the Indonesian criminal procedure code." Fordham International Law Journal 32, no. 1 (2008): 188-231.

Indonesia, Southeast Asia criminal procedure code, civil law tradition and common law, code reform, civil law reform, criminal procedure reform, Dutch legal legacy, colonial legacy

Robert Shanafelt. "Crime, Power, and Policing in South Africa: Beyond protected privilege and privileged protection." in Democratic Policing in Transitional and Developing Countries, Nathan Pino and Michael D. Wiatrowski, eds. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub Co., 2006.

Iraq, Middle East, South Africa, Africa, Northern Ireland, Europe, Kazakhstan, Asia, United States, North America democratic policing, policing and police reform, institution-building, human rights and democratic police reform, rule of law

Robin Nielsen. Women's land rights in Post-Conflict Angola. Rural Development Institute Report, Reports on Foreign Aid and Development 125, (July) 2008.

Angola, Africa formal land systems, customary land systems, land and property rights, land rights for women, governance

Robin Steinberg. "Supreme Court Ruling Speaks of a New Kind of Public Defense." Huff Post New York. April 5, 2010.

holistic defense, immigration legal defense, invisible punishments, collateral consequences

Robyn Dixon. “Africa’s Bitter Cycle of Child Slavery.” Los Angeles Times. July 12, 2012. Web. Available online at

Ghana, Africa child slavery, forced labor, child trafficking, cycle of child slavery, sexual abuse

Rodrigo R. Soares. "Development, crime and punishmentment: accounting for the international differences in crime rates." Journal of Development Economics 73 (2004): 155 – 184.

global crime trends, crime and development

Rodrigo Serrano-Berthet and Humberto Lopez. Crime and Violence in Central America: A Development Challenge. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2011.

Central America, Latin America cost of crime and violence, impact of crime and violence on the justice sector/system, youth violence, crime prevention, criminal justice reform

Roger Bowles, Joseph Akpokodje, and Emmanuel Tigere. “Evidence-based approaches to crime prevention in developing countries: A scoping review of the literature.” London, U.K.: Department for International Development, 2002.

crime prevention programs, crime prevention practices, crime effect on development, crime effect on economic growth, criminal justice policy, criminal justice policy research

Roger M. Smith. “Prince Norodom Sihanouk.” Asian Survey 7, no. 6 (1967): 353-362.

Cambodia, Southeast Asia political liberties, political institutions, modernization

Roger Riddell. The UK White Paper on International Development- And Beyond. London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Briefing Paper 2, 1998.

human rights, political will, sustainable development, sustainable livelihood, sustainable education and health opportunities, sustainable management of natural resources

Roman David and Susanne Y. P. Choi. "Forgiveness and Transitional Justice in the Czech Republic." The Journal of Conflict Resolution 50, no. 3 (2006): 339-367.

Czech Republic, Europe, Eastern Europe forgiveness, human rights, restoring equality between victims and abusers, individual/social/political empowerment of victims, transitional justice, policy interventions and promoting forgiveness, religious/retributive/reparatory/reconciliatory forgiveness

Rommel Alim Abitria. “How Speedy are Philippine Criminal Cases Disposed of?” Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation. Web. Available online at

Philippines, Southeast Asia access to justice, pretrial detention, arbitrary detention