Bibliographic Entries | Country/Region | Key Terms |
Organization of American States, Department of International Law. "Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women. 'Convention of Belem Do Para.'" June 6,1994. Web Access: |
human rights, women's rights, violence against women, human dignity | |
Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on human rights. Case 10.506 - Ms. X v. Argentina. Washington, DC: Inter-American Commission on human rights. October 15, 1996. |
Argentina, South America | women's rights, human rights |
Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on human rights. Case 11.436 - Victims of the Tugboat "13 de Marzo" vs. Cuba . Washington, DC: Inter-American Commission on human rights. October 16, 1996. |
Cuba, Caribbean, Latin America | human rights violations, international complaints |
Otwin Marenin. "Policing African States Toward a Critique." Comparative Politics 14, no. 4 (1982): 379-396. |
Africa | professionalization of police force, police and policing, comparative policing, role of police and society |
Otwin Marenin. “United States' Aid to African Police Forces: The experience and impact of the public safety assistance programme.” African Affairs 85, no. 341 (1986): 509-544. |
police aid, international police aid, Office of Public Safety programs, OPS programs, failure of OPS programs, police reform | |
Oxfam GB Urban Programme. Urban Poverty and Vulnerability in Kenya. Oxfam GB Urban Programme, 2009. Web. Available online at |
Kenya, Africa | urban poverty and inequality, urban poverty indicators, vulnerability to crime, human insecurity, urban development, poverty reduction |
Oxfam. “Oxfam warns that modern day land rush is forcing thousands into greater poverty.” Oxfam (2011). Web. Available online at |
Uganda, South Sudan, Indonesia, Honduras, Guatemala | forced eviction, land grabbing, women's rights, property rights, land tenure, poverty and land tenure |
P. Amis and C. Rakodi . “Urban Poverty: Concepts, Characteristics and Policies.” Habitat International 19.4 (1995): 403–405. |
Pakistan, Middle East | urban poverty, social security, perceptions of the poor |
P. Dale. "Barriers to Justice in Sierra Leone." Justice for the Poor 1, no. 4 (2007). |
Sierra Leone, Africa | access to justice |
P. J. Byrne. Criminal Law and Colonial Subject: New South Wales, 1810-1830. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. |
Australia | colonial legacy, British colonial legacy, development of criminal justice system |
P. J. Stead. The Police of France. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1983. |
France, Europe | police and policing, development of the criminal justice system in France |
P. Lawrence. "Images of Poverty and Crime: Police Memoirs in England and France at the End of the Nineteenth Century." Crime, History and Societies 4, no.1 (2000): 63-82. |
France, England, United Kingdom, Europe | poverty and crime, development of the criminal justice system in France, development of the criminal justice system in England |
P. Lawrence. “Policing the Poor in England and France, 1850–1900.” Social Control in Europe 1800-2000, vol. 2. Ed. H. Roodenburg, P. Spierenburg, C. Emsley, and E. Johnson. Columbus: Ohio State University Press (2004). |
England, France, Europe | police and social control, poverty, policing and the poor, community policing |
P. N. Grabosky. Sydney in Ferment: Crime, Dissent and Official Reaction 1788 to 1973. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1977. |
Australia | history of crime, development of criminal justice in Australia |
Pablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman, and Norman Loayza. Determinants of Crime Rates in Latin America and the World: An Empirical Assessment. Washington, DC : World Bank (1998). Web. Available online at |
Latin America | crime determinants, inequality, deterrence, crime and economic development, strength of the police, strength of the judicial system, income inequality |
Pablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman, and Norman Loayza. “Crime and Victimization: An Economic Perspective.” Economía 1, no. 1 (2000): 219-302. |
Latin America | causes of (violent) crime, risk factors of victimization, cost of crime, social inequality, legal/judicial deterrents to crime, income polarization, impact of social capital the reduction of violent crimes |
Pamela Dale. “ Delivering Justice to Sierra Leone’s Poor: An Analysis of the Work of Timap for Justice.” World Bank Justice for the Poor Research Report. (2009). |
Sierra Leone, Africa | justice services, access to justice, cultural awareness, legal empowerment, alternative dispute resolution |
Parke Brown. “New Campaign Against Vice in Full Blast: Schuettler Begins New Form of Control Against Social Evil.” Chicago Daily Tribune. January 6, 1918. |
Chicago, United States, North America | historical legal systems, police reform |
Patricia Kameri Mbote and Migai Akech. Kenya: Justice Sector and the Rule of Law. Johannesburg: The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (2011). Web. Available online at |
Kenya, Africa | justice sector, rule of law, government respect for rule of law, criminal justice system, access to justice, national accountability, independence judiciary |
Patricía Trindade Maranhão Costa. Fighting Forced Labour: The Example of Brazil. Geneva: International Labour Office (2009). Web. Available online at |
Brazil, South America, Latin America | forced labor, modern slavery, human rights abuses, labor inspector training, police training |
Patrick Belser. “Forced Labour and human trafficking: Estimating the Profits.” Geneva: International Labour Office (2005). Web. Available online at |
forced labor, human trafficking, bonded labor, economic exploitation, commercial sexual exploitation, sex trafficking | |
Patrick Edobar Igbinovia. “Pattern of Policing in Africa: The French and British Connections.” Police Journal 54, no. 2 (1981): 150–151. |
Africa, Europe, France, UK, Great Britain | police and policing, police systems, law enforcement systems, French and British legacy of police systems, colonial impact on police systems |
Patrick Vinck and Phuong Pham. “Ownership and Participation in Transitional Justice Mechanisms: A Sustainable Human Development Perspective from Eastern DRC.” International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 2 (2008). Print. |
Congo, Africa | human development, transitional justice policies, human security, socioeconomic development |
Paul Boyer. Urban Masses and Moral Order in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978: 189-219. |
United States, North America | history of criminal justice in the United States |
Paul Gordon Lauren. The Evolution of International human rights: Visions Seen. 3d: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania (2011). |
human rights, international human rights | |
Paul Jenkins, Paul Robson and Allan Cain. "Local responses to globalization and peripheralization in Luanda, Angola." Environment and Urbanization 14, no. 1 (2002): 115-127. |
Angola, Africa | development, role of civil society, globalization, colonial legacy |
Paul N. Bloom and Aaron K. Chatterji. “Scaling Social Entrepreneurial Impact” California Management Review 51, no. 3 (2009): 114-133. |
social entrepreneurship, scaling impact | |
Paul Polak. Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, 2008. |
Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa | poverty, poverty and economics |
Pedro Olinto and Jaime Saavedra. Inequality in Focus: An Overview of Global Income Inequality Trends. Washington: The World Bank. (April 2012). Available online at |
Brazil, South America, Latin America | global income inequality trends, socioeconomic mobility, inequality of opportunity, poverty rates, developing nations, poverty reduction, inequality decline |
Penal Code: offenses and penalties, France. February 12, 1810. |
France, Europe | colonial legacy, French colonial legacy |
Peter Albrecht and Paul Jackson. “Executive Summary.” Security System Transformation in Sierra Leone, 1997–2007. Global Facilitation Network for Security Sector Reform (2009). Web. Available online at |
Sierra Leone, Africa | security system transformation, police and policing, law development, law enforcement reform, public attitudes about law enforcement |
Peter Geschiere. "Chiefs and Colonial Rule in Cameroon- Inventing Chieftaincy, French and British Style." Journal of the International African Institute 63, no. 2 (1993): 151-175. |
Cameroon, Africa | customary/traditional leadership, colonial legacy, French colonial rule, English colonial rule, indirect rule, assimilation |
Peter Imbusch, Michel Misse and Fernando Carrión. “Violence Research in Latin America and the Caribbean: A literature review.” International Journal of Conflict and Violence 5, no. 1 (2011): 87-154. |
Latin America, Caribbean | historical development of violence, youth violence, causes, costs, and consequences of violence, persistence of violence, social inequity, culture of violence |
Peter P. Ekeh. "Colonialism and the Two Publics in Africa: A Theoretical Statement." Comparative Studies in Society and History 17, no. 1 (1975): 91-112. |
Nigeria, Africa | colonial legacy, comparative politics, European colonial legacy, politics and morality |
Peter Schouten. “Political Topographies of Private Security in Sub-Saharan Africa.” African Engagements: Africa Negotiating an Emerging Multipolar World. Africa–Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 5 (2011). Web. Available online at |
Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa | privatization of security, police and policing, colonial legacy, privatization of security and political control |
Peter Uvin, Pankaj S. Jain, and L. David Brown. "Scaling Up NGO Programs in India: Strategies and Debates." Boston, MA: Institute for Development Research, 2000. |
scaling social programs, replicating social programs, India | |
Peter Uvin. “From the Right to Development to the Rights-Based Approach: how ‘human rights’ entered development.” Development in Practice 17, no. 4-5 (2007): 597-606. |
human rights and development, right to development, rights-based approach, good governance, democracy, development as more than economic growth | |
Philip Keefer and David Stasavage. "Bureaucratic Delegation and Political Institutions: When are Independents Central Banks irrelevant?" Washington, DC: World Bank, 1999. |
independent central bank, inflation bias, political checks and balances | |
Philip von Mehren and Tim Sawers. “Revitalizing the Law and Development Movement: A Case Study of Title in Thailand.” Harvard International Law Journal 33, no. 1 (1992): 67-102. |
Thailand, Southeast Asia | law and development movement, law and social change, rule of law/good governance/legal reform impact on economic development, land ownership |
Phillip J. Stead. The Police of France. Macmillan Publishing Company. (1983) Print. |
France, Europe | historical police systems, contemporary police systems |
Police Staff College. “Locked up and Forgotten.” October 2010. Web. Available online at |
South Asia, Bangladesh | pretrial detention, pretrial detainment, reducing overcrowding prisons |
Population Reference Bureau. “2008 World Population Data Sheet.” 2008. Web. Available online at |
world population, population growth, poverty, population statistics | |
Praveen Swami. “Why Rape Victims Aren’t Getting Justice.” The Hindu, March 11, 2012. Web. Available online at |
India, South Asia | sexual violence, violence against women, justice for women, access to justice, sexual crime, rape reporting rate, police and policing, overburdened police and courts |
Presidência da República do Brasil. “Plano Nacional Para a Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo.” Presidência da República do Brasil (2003). Web. Available online at |
Brazil, South America, Latin America | slave labor, forced labor, police and policing, police training, police awareness |
Press Trust of India. “Court Will Take 320 Years to Clear Backlog Cases: Justice Rao.” The Times of India, March 6, 2010. Web. Available online at |
India, South Asia | overburdened court system, criminal justice system, justice sector reform |
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Kenya Police Culture and Attitude Change Pilot Training Programme. for the Government of Kenya, 2007. |
Kenya, Africa | police attitudes, police training, professionalizing law enforcement, police reform |
R. Cobb. The Police and the People: French Popular Protest, 1789-1820. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. |
France, Europe | history of criminal justice in France, police and policing |
R. Hunter. “Reconsidering ‘Globalisation’: Judicial Reform in the Philippines.” Law, Text, Culture 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2002): Web. Available online at |
Philippines, Southeast Asia | judicial reform, globalized law, modern laws, legal systems, human rights, rule of law |
R. I. Mawby, ed. Policing Across the World: Issues for the Twenty-first Century. New York: Routledge, 1999. |
comparative policing, police systems, justice systems, international police systems | |
R. Matthews, C. Reis, and V. Iacopino. "Child labor: A matter of health and human rights." Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 26, no. 2 (2003): 181-182. |
child labor, children's rights, public health |