
Bibliographic Entries Country/Region Key Terms

Organization of American States, Department of International Law. "Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women. 'Convention of Belem Do Para.'" June 6,1994. Web Access:

human rights, women's rights, violence against women, human dignity

Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on human rights. Case 10.506 - Ms. X v. Argentina. Washington, DC: Inter-American Commission on human rights. October 15, 1996.

Argentina, South America women's rights, human rights

Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on human rights. Case 11.436 - Victims of the Tugboat "13 de Marzo" vs. Cuba . Washington, DC: Inter-American Commission on human rights. October 16, 1996.

Cuba, Caribbean, Latin America human rights violations, international complaints

Otwin Marenin. "Policing African States Toward a Critique." Comparative Politics 14, no. 4 (1982): 379-396.

Africa professionalization of police force, police and policing, comparative policing, role of police and society

Otwin Marenin. “United States' Aid to African Police Forces: The experience and impact of the public safety assistance programme.” African Affairs 85, no. 341 (1986): 509-544.

police aid, international police aid, Office of Public Safety programs, OPS programs, failure of OPS programs, police reform

Oxfam GB Urban Programme. Urban Poverty and Vulnerability in Kenya. Oxfam GB Urban Programme, 2009. Web. Available online at

Kenya, Africa urban poverty and inequality, urban poverty indicators, vulnerability to crime, human insecurity, urban development, poverty reduction

Oxfam. “Oxfam warns that modern day land rush is forcing thousands into greater poverty.” Oxfam (2011). Web. Available online at

Uganda, South Sudan, Indonesia, Honduras, Guatemala forced eviction, land grabbing, women's rights, property rights, land tenure, poverty and land tenure

P. Amis and C. Rakodi . “Urban Poverty: Concepts, Characteristics and Policies.” Habitat International 19.4 (1995): 403–405.

Pakistan, Middle East urban poverty, social security, perceptions of the poor

P. Dale. "Barriers to Justice in Sierra Leone." Justice for the Poor 1, no. 4 (2007).

Sierra Leone, Africa access to justice

P. J. Byrne. Criminal Law and Colonial Subject: New South Wales, 1810-1830. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Australia colonial legacy, British colonial legacy, development of criminal justice system

P. J. Stead. The Police of France. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1983.

France, Europe police and policing, development of the criminal justice system in France

P. Lawrence. "Images of Poverty and Crime: Police Memoirs in England and France at the End of the Nineteenth Century." Crime, History and Societies 4, no.1 (2000): 63-82.

France, England, United Kingdom, Europe poverty and crime, development of the criminal justice system in France, development of the criminal justice system in England

P. Lawrence. “Policing the Poor in England and France, 1850–1900.” Social Control in Europe 1800-2000, vol. 2. Ed. H. Roodenburg, P. Spierenburg, C. Emsley, and E. Johnson. Columbus: Ohio State University Press (2004).

England, France, Europe police and social control, poverty, policing and the poor, community policing

P. N. Grabosky. Sydney in Ferment: Crime, Dissent and Official Reaction 1788 to 1973. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1977.

Australia history of crime, development of criminal justice in Australia

Pablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman, and Norman Loayza. Determinants of Crime Rates in Latin America and the World: An Empirical Assessment. Washington, DC : World Bank (1998). Web. Available online at

Latin America crime determinants, inequality, deterrence, crime and economic development, strength of the police, strength of the judicial system, income inequality

Pablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman, and Norman Loayza. “Crime and Victimization: An Economic Perspective.” Economía 1, no. 1 (2000): 219-302.

Latin America causes of (violent) crime, risk factors of victimization, cost of crime, social inequality, legal/judicial deterrents to crime, income polarization, impact of social capital the reduction of violent crimes

Pamela Dale. “ Delivering Justice to Sierra Leone’s Poor: An Analysis of the Work of Timap for Justice.” World Bank Justice for the Poor Research Report. (2009).

Sierra Leone, Africa justice services, access to justice, cultural awareness, legal empowerment, alternative dispute resolution

Parke Brown. “New Campaign Against Vice in Full Blast: Schuettler Begins New Form of Control Against Social Evil.” Chicago Daily Tribune. January 6, 1918.

Chicago, United States, North America historical legal systems, police reform

Patricia Kameri Mbote and Migai Akech. Kenya: Justice Sector and the Rule of Law. Johannesburg: The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (2011). Web. Available online at

Kenya, Africa justice sector, rule of law, government respect for rule of law, criminal justice system, access to justice, national accountability, independence judiciary

Patricía Trindade Maranhão Costa. Fighting Forced Labour: The Example of Brazil. Geneva: International Labour Office (2009). Web. Available online at

Brazil, South America, Latin America forced labor, modern slavery, human rights abuses, labor inspector training, police training

Patrick Belser. “Forced Labour and human trafficking: Estimating the Profits.” Geneva: International Labour Office (2005). Web. Available online at

forced labor, human trafficking, bonded labor, economic exploitation, commercial sexual exploitation, sex trafficking

Patrick Edobar Igbinovia. “Pattern of Policing in Africa: The French and British Connections.” Police Journal 54, no. 2 (1981): 150–151.

Africa, Europe, France, UK, Great Britain police and policing, police systems, law enforcement systems, French and British legacy of police systems, colonial impact on police systems

Patrick Vinck and Phuong Pham. “Ownership and Participation in Transitional Justice Mechanisms: A Sustainable Human Development Perspective from Eastern DRC.” International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 2 (2008). Print.

Congo, Africa human development, transitional justice policies, human security, socioeconomic development

Paul Boyer. Urban Masses and Moral Order in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978: 189-219.

United States, North America history of criminal justice in the United States

Paul Gordon Lauren. The Evolution of International human rights: Visions Seen. 3d: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania (2011).

human rights, international human rights

Paul Jenkins, Paul Robson and Allan Cain. "Local responses to globalization and peripheralization in Luanda, Angola." Environment and Urbanization 14, no. 1 (2002): 115-127.

Angola, Africa development, role of civil society, globalization, colonial legacy

Paul N. Bloom and Aaron K. Chatterji. “Scaling Social Entrepreneurial Impact” California Management Review 51, no. 3 (2009): 114-133.

social entrepreneurship, scaling impact

Paul Polak. Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, 2008.

Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa poverty, poverty and economics

Pedro Olinto and Jaime Saavedra. Inequality in Focus: An Overview of Global Income Inequality Trends. Washington: The World Bank. (April 2012). Available online at

Brazil, South America, Latin America global income inequality trends, socioeconomic mobility, inequality of opportunity, poverty rates, developing nations, poverty reduction, inequality decline

Penal Code: offenses and penalties, France. February 12, 1810.

France, Europe colonial legacy, French colonial legacy

Peter Albrecht and Paul Jackson. “Executive Summary.” Security System Transformation in Sierra Leone, 1997–2007. Global Facilitation Network for Security Sector Reform (2009). Web. Available online at

Sierra Leone, Africa security system transformation, police and policing, law development, law enforcement reform, public attitudes about law enforcement

Peter Geschiere. "Chiefs and Colonial Rule in Cameroon- Inventing Chieftaincy, French and British Style." Journal of the International African Institute 63, no. 2 (1993): 151-175.

Cameroon, Africa customary/traditional leadership, colonial legacy, French colonial rule, English colonial rule, indirect rule, assimilation

Peter Imbusch, Michel Misse and Fernando Carrión. “Violence Research in Latin America and the Caribbean: A literature review.” International Journal of Conflict and Violence 5, no. 1 (2011): 87-154.

Latin America, Caribbean historical development of violence, youth violence, causes, costs, and consequences of violence, persistence of violence, social inequity, culture of violence

Peter P. Ekeh. "Colonialism and the Two Publics in Africa: A Theoretical Statement." Comparative Studies in Society and History 17, no. 1 (1975): 91-112.

Nigeria, Africa colonial legacy, comparative politics, European colonial legacy, politics and morality

Peter Schouten. “Political Topographies of Private Security in Sub-Saharan Africa.” African Engagements: Africa Negotiating an Emerging Multipolar World. Africa–Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 5 (2011). Web. Available online at

Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa privatization of security, police and policing, colonial legacy, privatization of security and political control

Peter Uvin, Pankaj S. Jain, and L. David Brown. "Scaling Up NGO Programs in India: Strategies and Debates." Boston, MA: Institute for Development Research, 2000.

scaling social programs, replicating social programs, India

Peter Uvin. “From the Right to Development to the Rights-Based Approach: how ‘human rights’ entered development.” Development in Practice 17, no. 4-5 (2007): 597-606.

human rights and development, right to development, rights-based approach, good governance, democracy, development as more than economic growth

Philip Keefer and David Stasavage. "Bureaucratic Delegation and Political Institutions: When are Independents Central Banks irrelevant?" Washington, DC: World Bank, 1999.

independent central bank, inflation bias, political checks and balances

Philip von Mehren and Tim Sawers. “Revitalizing the Law and Development Movement: A Case Study of Title in Thailand.” Harvard International Law Journal 33, no. 1 (1992): 67-102.

Thailand, Southeast Asia law and development movement, law and social change, rule of law/good governance/legal reform impact on economic development, land ownership

Phillip J. Stead. The Police of France. Macmillan Publishing Company. (1983) Print.

France, Europe historical police systems, contemporary police systems

Police Staff College. “Locked up and Forgotten.” October 2010. Web. Available online at

South Asia, Bangladesh pretrial detention, pretrial detainment, reducing overcrowding prisons

Population Reference Bureau. “2008 World Population Data Sheet.” 2008. Web. Available online at

world population, population growth, poverty, population statistics

Praveen Swami. “Why Rape Victims Aren’t Getting Justice.” The Hindu, March 11, 2012. Web. Available online at

India, South Asia sexual violence, violence against women, justice for women, access to justice, sexual crime, rape reporting rate, police and policing, overburdened police and courts

Presidência da República do Brasil. “Plano Nacional Para a Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo.” Presidência da República do Brasil (2003). Web. Available online at

Brazil, South America, Latin America slave labor, forced labor, police and policing, police training, police awareness

Press Trust of India. “Court Will Take 320 Years to Clear Backlog Cases: Justice Rao.” The Times of India, March 6, 2010. Web. Available online at

India, South Asia overburdened court system, criminal justice system, justice sector reform

PricewaterhouseCoopers. Kenya Police Culture and Attitude Change Pilot Training Programme. for the Government of Kenya, 2007.

Kenya, Africa police attitudes, police training, professionalizing law enforcement, police reform

R. Cobb. The Police and the People: French Popular Protest, 1789-1820. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970.

France, Europe history of criminal justice in France, police and policing

R. Hunter. “Reconsidering ‘Globalisation’: Judicial Reform in the Philippines.” Law, Text, Culture 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2002): Web. Available online at

Philippines, Southeast Asia judicial reform, globalized law, modern laws, legal systems, human rights, rule of law

R. I. Mawby, ed. Policing Across the World: Issues for the Twenty-first Century. New York: Routledge, 1999.

comparative policing, police systems, justice systems, international police systems

R. Matthews, C. Reis, and V. Iacopino. "Child labor: A matter of health and human rights." Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 26, no. 2 (2003): 181-182.

child labor, children's rights, public health